Mat Hygiene
It is imperative that we maintain clean mats at all times to avoid infections. Your feet cannot touch the floor and then touch the mats. So be sure to have a pair of sandals for stepping off and on the mats to avoid contact with the hard floors.
Personal Hygiene
Skin infections are a reality in grappling based martial arts and Jiu-Jitsu is no exception. Because of this reality we have implemented guidelines to minimize and hopefully prevent the contraction or spread of skin infections.
The two most common types of skin infection are Ringworm (a fungus) and Staph (a bacteria) and proper hygiene can minimize the incidence of either. The following is a hygiene protocol we have implemented, but nothing is 100% and a physician should be consulted if you develop a serious infection.
Shower before coming to practice, especially if you have not yet showered that day, have been exercising or working manual labor. All Gi and training attire must be washed between classes. Feet must be clean before stepping on the mats. Finger and toe nails should be well trimmed.
A mix of 1 part bleach to 9 parts water or specialized grappling mat cleaner will be used to mop the floors prior to training.
Students and instructors must bring their own sandals or flip-flops that will be wiped down with disinfectant. The students and instructors must must step on/off the mat into the disinfected footwear.
Wash your Gi after each class,
Shower with soap as soon after class as possible to get rid of any infectious agents before they can take hold.
If you develop a skin infection, treat it immediately. There are over the counter treatments for both Ringworm and Staph. Tinactin and Lotramin are commonly used to treat Ringworm, follow the directions on the box. Staph has antibiotic resistant strains, so if you have a small or very mild infection and you purchase a topical antibiotic, make sure it contains Bacitracin Zinc as one of the active ingredients. If your skin infection gets worse, go see a doctor.
Do not come to class with an active skin infection! If you have a small ringworm infection that is resolving, you may come to class if it is slathered in anti-fungal cream and covered in tape. If you have a staph infection you may not come to class until it is resolved.
Do not come to class if you are ill or have a respiratory infection. If you get your teammates and instructors sick it can disrupt our training and operations schedule.